Monday, August 10, 2009

holy cow! i have so much to write about that i could not think of a title that would work.  my life has been a total whirlwind the past week.  i will start off by talking about one of my new hobbies.  i got a road bike! i am loving this new exercise.  i road yesterday in 90 degree weather, and i usually hate to even walk outside in that kind of heat.  i love biking.  i went on four rides last week.  i think i may love it so much because of the people i get to ride with, jess and my dad.  they are more experienced and in way better shape. they absolutely wear me out, but i love it.  i am learning a lot...who knew there was a science to biking?  here is a picture of my bike, but mine is all black. i have two favorite things about it: #1 is that it says handmade in the usa, i feel so american as i ride and #2 it has a speedometer that tells you all this stuff about how fast and how many miles, but the best part is that it tells you the temperature, i love informing everyone on the temp about every 3 minutes...
this past weekend i have started another new hobby.  if you remember i recently posted how i was going to sew curtains with my meme.  well the project began this weekend.  i am in love with sewing.  the curtains are still under construction, but hopefully by this weekend they will be hanging in my room.  the sweetest part about this new hobby happened yesterday.  my family came over for lunch at my parent's house.  before my uncle and cousin left they gave me the best gift ever.  uncle david came walking in with a sewing machine and told me that since i am learning how to sew he wanted me to have my aunt's sewing machine.  we all lost it  and hugged like crazy as we looked at the machine and remembered my aunt.  this sewing machine will be a gift that i will forever cherish.

today was another big day! it was my first day of inservice at HVA.  i am falling in love with this school.  i wish i could write about every little detail.  here are a couple of the things i love so far:
1. PTSA- they gave us coffee mugs that gets us free coffee everyday
2. Staff Polo- my mentor teacher purchased a HVA staff polo for me today.  i won't be the most stylish thing that hit HVA, but i don't mind.
3. Tardy Sweeps-  when i get to write up kids that have taken a little too long to get to class.  my mean side and teacher face will be revealed!
4. My mentor teacher-  goodness, i am the luckiest intern at that school.
5. Familiar faces-  the school is full of teachers and administrators from Central (where i have spent a majority of my time the past 3 years), classmates from college, my cousin that i haven't seen since i was 7 years old, and new friends!
6.  all the opportunities to get involved at the school
7.  number one belief statement is--Relationships are the foundation of ALL we do. this is the main reason i went into teaching.

i really feel like this school was made for me to be a part of during my internship.  a place for me to learn from the best!  God's hand in bringing me to this place during this part of my life is so evident everyday that i am there!!

i could probably ramble on but 6:00 am comes early!!

1 comment:

Joy said...

Today was the best gift ever ... I finally got to see sweet Stephanie! errrr, Ms. Bales!

I have had chill bumps reading your entire post and the wonders and glories that are held in each day for you. What a treat to wake up each morning to work with a great staff, to enjoy what you will be doing, to have the freedom to learn and be creative in that environment, and then to ride a so dang cool bike in the afternoons with great friends and family!

Not to mention then come home to wonderful new curtains with the sweetest story behind them too ... what a forever gift that will be!

I have missed you oh so much and am stil thinking about what rhymes with Hawk ... or Academy! I will get back to you on that one!
