Friday, November 28, 2008

I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas

Thanksgiving 2008=the best Thanksgiving ever!  Quick recap of a day that I am so very thankful for...
1) Wake up to Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade
2) Taking as long as needed to curl my hair and pick out my outfit for the day
3) Family, one by one, walking through the door of our house
4) Ran out of room on my plate for all my delicious yummies
5) Dessert!
6) Nap
7) Dessert!
8) ELF the movie
9) The longest walk of my life! After the movie, Dad asked me if I wanted to go on a walk, so I said sure!  Little did I know that this walk would be over a hour long and all over the city of Maryville.  I loved it, but I should have worn my sneakers for comfort rather than the Uggs for warmth.  

Now, that the turkeys and pilgrims have been put away it is...CHRISTMAS TIME!!!  If you really knew me you would know that the Christmas season has not officially started until the Bales' family has decorated the family tree while watching the movie White Christmas. This is the tradition of all traditions in our family.  I am happy to report that right at this moment I am taking a break from the decorating and quoting every word from this movie to blog about this special time at the Bales' household.  I would love nothing more than to share this with my blog family also, so here is a clip from one of my favorite parts of the movie.

1 comment:

Joy said...

Oh Steph!

What a special couple of days you have had! THANKS for sharing it with all of your blog friends.

I just love the White Christmas clip - I must admit I don't know that I have ever watched it, but will now, for sure!

Love you and can't wait to hear more about your holidays!
