Monday, July 27, 2009


Here are more photos from the treacherous hike Hallie, Jess and I took last Saturday.  Thanks Hallie for the pictures.  You can check this sweet girl out at
self-timer, large rocks, on the top of a mountain takes much skill

i love her
always ready for a photo shoot
and i love her too

This past weekend my mom, uncle, cousin and i headed out for another east tennessee adventure.  we ziplined through the mountains!! i loved it and highly recommend taking some time with friends to go. here are two pictures from the zipline.  i will post a video from the day in the near future.

in both of these pictures it looks as if we are posing for the camera.  in reality we had no clue what was going on and were just hanging on for dear life.  right before this picture was taken my guide told me that my trolley was broken.  that was great to hear right before you step off of a super high platform...

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