Tuesday, December 9, 2008

A Total Blog-Worthy Day

Oh My Word! Today, December 8, 2008, will never be forgotten by friends, family, my math teacher, and me.  Today was the first day of Christmas break '08, and it was a crazy day.  I woke up and exercised for the first time pretty much since school started.  It felt absolutely wonderful, and I cannot wait to exercise tomorrow...endorphins, I have missed those suckers! Anyway, with a short trip to the bank I was ready to begin my Christmas shopping.  While I was busy with my elf duties, Rachel called and said that our Math 341 grades were up.  Just a little background... I have been studying for this final for the past month of my life.  Mathematical Analysis does not come easy to my brain, so I had to make a 75 on my comprehensive final to pass with a C or the class would not count toward graduation which result in re-taking the course.  Now this is a huge, big deal because if I did not pass I would not graduate which would mean I would not be able to do my internship for teaching next year.  I had faith that if that happened that Jesus had a plan and it would all work out the way it was suppose to because He is Jesus and that means He is sovereign and way above a final! But, just to be honest I would really love to wear that cap and gown this spring.  So, back to the story, the teacher gave me a C-, which does not count as passing in the math dept.  I was devastated and quickly wrote an email asking to talk with the teacher.  Luckily He emailed me back to say, "I will be in my office this afternoon, but I don't see anyway I will be able to change your grade." I tearfully grabbed my purse and headed to the top floor of Ayres Hall for a serious meeting.  After talking for a little while we realized I was 4 tenths of a point away from a C, and if we could find a some place on my test where he could give me one more point I would have a C easily. So, the search began.  I felt as if I was in a movie because we went through every problem with him telling me how lenient he was on grading the test until we got to the last part of the last problem! I actually got the answer right, but he didn't give me the points for it...silly man! So I sit here typing tonight having passed my Mathematical Analysis course.  Never have I ever worked so hard, prayed so diligently, and trusted immeasurably.  I really have a new meaning for the verse in Matthew that says, "with God, all things are possible."  

The day ended with a pedicure (signature color of the season is now: Rosy Mistletosies) then more Christmas shopping then dinner at Pimento's with Natalie then Secret Santa with Becca, Chels, Jessica, Laura, Natalie and Cara(via telephone).  

I learned a lot today, but most importantly I was reminded of how loved and supported I am by my parents, sister, friends, and Jesus.  They were all with me every step of the way praying, calling, and holding my hand! I am one lucky girl!!

Please enjoy my family and I below!  This is what you might define as "study break."

Send your own ElfYourself eCards


Will said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!! I know this is a huge relief for you. We are very proud of you.

cara said...

YAYYYYYY!!! i was just so excited for you that i read it out loud to adam (who was equally as excited). Way to go steph...i love you

Andy said...

wow! your fam can dance! impressive..