Wednesday, January 21, 2009

So sorry for my delay in updates faithful followers!  School is just picking up, and I am already feeling overwhelmed.  What happened to "senioritis" and the confidence in the fact that you are going to graduate?! I wish it was like high school and you didn't have to take finals senior year.  That would be nice.  I can't be talking about finals yet. I haven't had one test yet, but you will see me to the left in the library with one of my teaching books.  It is one of my favorites this semester.  I didn't just take the picture either.  I did actually read two sections tonight, but of course I needed a study break to pose in front of my Photo Booth camera.  You might also notice the unique and artsy effect I added.  That is just me still discovering all the fun my MacBook has to offer me.  I really love this laptop I got last summer from my parents.  THANKS MOM AND DAD!  I rarely leave home without my precious pink MacBook...seriously!  Well, school is going just as usual.  I love my class schedule.  I do not start class until 11:00, and I am finding that I am a lot happier.  I wake up, eat breakfast, read, sometimes exercise, and prepare for a day of classes.  I love not being rushed and late!  Today was an exciting day for me.  I met with career services at UT and talked about my future career.   It was so awesome.  She gave me so much literature and resources that I might end up with about 14 jobs.  My imagination is going crazy with all the options.  We talked about where all I can go with my teaching and how that is done.  AND, we talked about Google.  If you know me, you would know that I really love Google and would LOVE to work there one day if I can.  So, she gave me a contact and and email address and phone number! I couldn't believe it.  She has only had one student go to work for Google, Inc.  All I can do is try and pray.  Who knows what could happen.  All I do know is that I will learn something a long the way.  For now, I will keep studying and working hard here at the University of Tennessee!

Young Life club starts up tomorrow.  Pray for us, please!  I am giving the first talk...a little nervous, but more excited to talk about Jesus to a room of high school friends!  My YL girls spent the night on Sunday night, and it was great time spent together eating a lot and watching movies.  They are sweet!  

Well I better get home before it is too late. Lindsay, my sister, just yelled at me for being out so late by saying that I live on the most dangerous corner of campus. Thanks Lindsay for your concern for my safety. You are sweet too!

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