Sunday, June 21, 2009

it hurts so bad but feels so good at the same time

I am going to wrap up my posting on Frontier Ranch! It has taken me way too long to share the whole week with you, but there is not much time in my life with school to study and weddings to attend!  

The last three days at Frontier Ranch were incredible. We conquered repelling down a mountain and racing on the ridge runners.  Yes, I repelled down a mountain.  One on one times were hard at times and rich in conversation at times, but every time was so worth it to get a peek into what Jesus was saying to each one of the sweet girls.  Cabin times became so real, genuine and comfortable.  I am uber excited to share with you that our cabin times did not stay at Frontier.  We are now meeting on Thursday mornings at Panera.  We are reading through Luke.  It is one of the most precious gifts to see my friends at 7:45 am in the summer with their Bible in their hands reading the Word of God!  AWESOOMMMMEEE!!  I want to tell you about one thing that I had never seen at a YL camp, but absolutely loved.  It was called cardboard testimonies.  At first I was a little skeptical, but to be able to watch and be apart of it totally changed my mind.  Through the week, the whole camp would gather in the club room for "real life."  This is where the people on assignment would share through role play...kinda...what they were like in high school and going to YL camp.  During the week leaders had to opportunity to write on an index card what they were like in high school and on the other side what they are like today with Christ.  At the last session of real life, some of the leaders were chosen to write what they wrote on the index card on a piece of cardboard.  We walked out one by one to a song and showed our old self side of the cardboard and then flipped it over to reveal who we are today with Christ.  Golly, so many stories were told that day that our high school friends could relate with, and it showed them that Jesus really does make all of us new!  I wish I could tell you every detail about what happened the whole week at Frontier, but it just overwhelms me.  I will just end by saying, God is good! The girls that traveled the long and brutal journey with me to Frontier fought with all their might to not go.  Now, they can't believe the experience they had and are so glad they finally gave in to the begging.  They got to meet Jesus and will forever be changed!

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