Monday, June 1, 2009

Sorry I have been MIA

Sorry friends for my lack in posting.  The past 11 days I have been getting ready to go to a YL camp, Frontier Ranch in Colorado and actually spending a week there with my two of my high school girls from Central.  I will definitely have a huge posting about that trip just as soon as I catch up on sleep and on health!  Just know it was the best week of my life! I know that campers are the ones that usually say that going to YL camp is the best week of their lives, but it was just the same for me being a leader.  I can't wait to share all that happened.  But, to catch you up on what happened today...summer school began, I paid my first KUB bill, I watched the Bachelorette, and for the remaining part of the day I snoozed!! 

1 comment:

Joy said...

We missed you - we missed you - we missed you, but so glad to hear it was the best week of your life too!!!

God is good, all the time. All the time, God is good.

Can't wait to hear EVERYTHING!!